Stop Procrastination, Work Productive!

Hamza Ahmed
2 min readAug 21, 2020


Ever wonder how these so-called highly successful people GET THINGS DONE! I mean, it seems like a fantasy to us, but what is that one thing they do to be where they are? It usually starts with the word “Procrastination”. The question; however, is that how does someone go from being a hard procrastinator to getting things done? Which is beautifully answered through an amazing story by Matt D’Avella.

With that, there’s this one really interesting technique I use, called the “Pomodoro Technique”.

Consider you’re playing a game, and in that game, you have milestones you want to achieve. But there’s a time constraint associated with every mission you complete. When you complete the task you’re rewarded something good based on how well you completed the mission. Now think of it as something you want really bad. But there are some obstacles placed in the game so that you can’t get where you want to. Now the question is do you want it so badly that you’re willing to overcome the obstacles? Are you going to let these temporary things get in your way? Can’t you avoid distractions for a short time thinking you’re doing it for a greater goal? Tim Urban, a renowned blogger spoke up,

“If you’re a dog and you spend your whole life doing nothing. My mate! You are a huge success.”

But you aren’t a dog, are you? What makes you human is the rational mind you have. Ask yourselves these questions when you’re about to procrastinate because that's what I did back when I was in college. I was a hard procrastinator when it came to studying. But then, with this “Pomodoro Technique” I allocated time slots to every chapter, and to motivate myself I used to ask myself, “how badly do you want good grades?”. I used to put a reward such as a bar of chocolate at the end of each chapter and on completion, within the given time I used to eat it thinking of it as a small reward.

It wasn't easy especially when I had a phone around me but hey once you start to believe in something, you can actually pull it off. What I believe to be amazing about the human mind, is that it can do anything it believes.

“So start believing”



Hamza Ahmed

A digital marketer & blogger who specializes in content about business & online marketing