Benefits of Hiring a Virtual Marketing Assistant

Hamza Ahmed
4 min readFeb 21, 2022


In a world that has rapidly progressed past the third industrial revolution and is headed down the way to close off the fourth revolution. We need to be able to assess and forecast the necessary virtues of a business that can keep it going. A fresh perspective, a new idea that can unlock the minds of potential millions. Although you’d see that to be rare but rapid digitalization has truly brought in marvelous benefits that can explore this with the help of digital marketing. Being an entrepreneur is very difficult and easy these days. Firstly, you need to be aware of what makes a good leader. You can’t slack off in the digital world, and leverage technology unless you know how to delegate tasks and how to lead people in a remote workspace to get the idea running.

When running a business, the scalability factor is often left due because of the lack of strategy and commitment in a broader space. An easy way out these days recommended by experts is a virtual assistant to get the job done for you. Not only is this convenient, rather cost saving to quite an extent. The post-COVID market dynamics suggest that businesses that have leveraged remote workspaces and that have developed a sound digital work environment have sought hyper-growth through their marketing capabilities developed remotely.

Here are some benefits that your business can seek out and leverage through a Virtual Marketing Assistant, in terms of progression, growth, and scalability of the business,

1. Diverse Skillset:

A virtual marketing assistant usually comes with a diverse skillset and has the ability to understand your strategies through their experience in the field. They can help out in drafting creative e-mails, making newsletters, social media marketing, managing your CRMs, designing and writing valuable content, and managing your overall marketing outreach efforts.

2. Monitoring & Feedback:

A virtual marketing assistant can not only integrate your tools to track data, but rather help out in monitoring progress and summarizing analytical reports that can drive informed decisions. For example, if you run a marketing campaign on social media; a virtual marketer will not only design and post the content rather help out in analyzing its reach and factors associated with its success, based on data tracking that has been set up in the consumer journey.

3. Save the Dollar:

When we are talking about a virtual marketing assistant, there’s always a cost-benefit analysis as to how much you’d have to spend on them? and what would be the return? The answer to that is pretty simple. The investment is none and you can easily replace one if they don’t match your skill requirements. Moreover, you can also save up, by not having to provide fringe benefits to an assistant and not having to allocate them a physical space to work around which is a big factor in assessing the cost to employ and reduce training as well as operational costs per role.

4. Diverse Roles:

Research indicates that not only are virtual marketing assistants good at what they do but can help out in a diverse set of tasks. This is due to the flexible nature they have and the curiosity to learn. They are presumed to be excellent project managers and data analysts as well and can help out in cross-functional roles quite extensively.

5. Global Talent Pool:

A virtual marketing assistant is a need that can be fulfilled anywhere, any time. It is no longer a challenge to expand your operations and while engaging with a marketing assistant, you can save cost and time because of the talent available on a global level with a simple replacement strategy if it goes sideways.

The process of hiring a virtual marketing assistant is just a click away, not only are you outsourcing your marketing in capable hands, rather are saving up time to think about business scalability and operational enhancement which is cost-effective and beneficial in the long run.

There are great companies like RepStack, that not only provide you with highly trained assistants but will help out in assessing your needs and providing you with the right candidate for the role. You can easily book a discovery call,



Hamza Ahmed

A digital marketer & blogger who specializes in content about business & online marketing